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Then, they have another round of cards.. but luck is not on 祖祖's side and he lost. 尊卫 who wants to play it along ask 祖祖 to take off his clothes as well. At first, 祖祖 is shock to hear suand but in the end just follows what his uncle said and takes off his clothes. Of course,祖祖 does not have a body as good as 尊卫. He is slim and fair. His skin is smooth and fair and have direct trast with his small pinkish nipple. 尊卫, at first just wants to play along, but when he sees his nephew shirtless, he gets arouse a little. What others do not know about 尊卫 is that even though he is all muscular, but he has fetish for young kids. He loves kid's innod purity and their smooth and fair skin. The little nipple just makes ot trate in the game and makes his cock hard. 祖祖 realises that his uncles is giving him some rea. "This will makes things easier", he thought.

Then when 祖祖 wins the round, he does not want to waste anymore time. He just looks at 尊卫 and asks him if he touches his body. When 尊卫 heard the demand, he is very surprised. He actually wants it but he ot believes that this is ing from his own nephew. He hesitated for a while and even before he answers, 祖祖 has already jumped over and leans towards him. The hing he could feel is 祖祖 's small cold hand toug his shoulder.

祖祖 is enjoying every moment of it. He firstly touches 尊卫's shoulder, then run it down to his hen rub on his big biceps followed by his big hunky chest and gives it a little squeeze. 尊卫 wants to push him away but before he do anything, 祖祖's finger runs through hus chest down to his firm 8pack abs. This sends a tio 尊卫 who moans out a little. After a while, 尊卫 starts to relax a his o take over his entire body. 祖祖 realises that 尊卫 has submitted to him feel



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